(Artist notes - This section is written as an ancient religious text, so instead of panels, just do scripted text with fantasy styled illustrations.)

~ In exordium were the creatures of Ur’Th, sequestered in their infancy amidst the hollow of their realm; And from across the Main (Aeyaer), The Queen of the M’Kuruba, came unto Ur'Th, seeking a brief repose. Ur’Th, primitive and beautiful, had been chosen to host Oh’t Lhand Tsz, the Queen’s Respite. ( Or as it came to be known in the Sol Terran, Aht Lahn Tis. )

And from the Elder Dark, an heir and prince of R'lyeh came forth, Quo’varis Tarna IX, a suitor filled with ego and pleonexia, seeking dominion over the Ur’Th and the M’Kuruba and all of the Aeyaer.

And The Queen rebuffed the advances of this child of R’lyeh, his guile and avarice laid bare before her wisdom and grace.

And the crimes committed by this child of R’lyeh, in his rage and frustration at The Queen’s rebuke, innumerable and terrible and obscene, resulted in his banishment through The Queen’s Iris, beyond the infant realm and to the farthest reaches of the Main, (Aeyaer).

The scion, enraged, gnashing his teeth and weeping in his tantrum, sought revenge against The Queen and the M’Kuruba and all before him. 

With the enslaving of the gentle Verra, tragic victims caught in the wake of the fury of the heir of R’lyeh, the prince an unparalleled monster and master of blood and flesh and bone, had stolen the strongest seed of Ur’Th and through the blood of the Verra, brought forth the army that would darken the skies of the worlds of The Main. 

With the creation of the great and terrible Pacifiers, this offspring of R’lyeh would send forth his chosen, a thousand obsidian daggers stabbed at the heart of The Main and the wails of those who fell in their wake would echo for eternity...

~ Translated from The Doctrine of The Many Eyed God

CAP: 437.732 km (260 miles) above the North Atlantic

Panel -  Close Up of the word “Michael” and the O.E.R.T. logo. Beneath the logo is the “Omnibus in Servitio.“

Panel - 2 page splash showing the expanse of space and the O.E.R.T. Space Station “Michael”. 

Panel -  Watch Command shows monitors and operatives looking at trouble spots all over the world where OERT response teams are located. An earthquake in South America. Search and Rescue after an avalanche in Nepal. Flooding and Mudslides in the Andes. A Tsunami is in Papua New Guinea. 

Comm Officer: Seraphim 7 Whiskey Niner on approach, make your heading to landing bay Echo-Delta-4-7-8, confirmed.

Watch Commander O'Shaughnessy : Sit Rep, Georgia, if you please.

Panel -  Watch Commander and Asst Watch Commander looking at a monitor showing a shuttle craft approaching from Earth.

Georgia: A batch of new recruits from The Farm are currently en route, Commander. They’ll be here within the hour.

Panel -  Wide shot of evacuees in South East Asia working with OERT support teams.

Panel -  Wide shot of Valkyrie class submarines loading evacuees on board.

Georgia: Evacuation of the tsunami victims is underway but we only have two Valkyrie Class subs in the area. It’s doable but it's gonna take some time, sir. 

Panel -  Wide shot of 3 OERT air ships, flying over the ocean.

Georgia: Selaphiel Watch Command is diverting 3 air ships to assist as needed, but it will take a while for them to get in theater too.

Panel -  Medium shot of the Watch Commander and Georgia.

Watch Commander: Thank you, Georgia. Any updates on the teams helping with rescue operations in the Andes?

Georgia: All units have reported in except for one that is still in the field, sir.

Panel -  Close Up of Moto’s helmet streaked with rain drops as he races along.

Panel -  Medium shot Moto racing along a muddy road on his custom Moto-x bike, chasing after an SUV caught in a flash flood. A panicked woman bangs on the windows, pleading for help.

Moto: Where you at, DragonFly? I’m drowning over here!

Panel -  DragonFly arcs down out of the sky, on a jet pack, racing toward the car. Rain streaks his helmet and he comes down over the speeding vehicle.

DragonFly: I got your back, Moto. Coming in now. 

Panel -  DragonFly lands and kneels on the roof of the car, starting to cut a hole in the ceiling with a handheld laser.

Panel -  Moto kicks the bike into high gear and races ahead, spotting where the water becomes rapids!

Moto: Hurry it up, DF, we got a situation brewing!!! The flood is dumping into what looks like rapids, dead ahead!

Panel -  DragonFly manages to get the hole cut in the roof. The woman looks up in terror. She is trying to unlock a child seat in the back, where a toddler screams.

DragonFly: Madre dios.

Panel -  Moto setting explosives around trees, preparing a makeshift dam.

Moto: I’m gonna blow the trees to try and stop the car! Get her out of there!

DragonFly: There’s a kid in the back!! 

Panel -  Moto detonating the explosives! Trees fall into the rushing water as the SUV speeds towards them.

Panel -  DragonFly pulls the woman up through the hole in the roof of the vehicle. He unstraps the jetpack and attaches it to her. She’s crying and screaming. 

DragonFly: Look at me. It’s gonna be okay. I promise. Homing function engaged, authorization Delta-Foxtrot-Roger-7!

Panel -  DragonFly yanks the straps tight and hits a large red button on the shoulder strap. He jams his helmet on the woman’s head.

Jet Pack AI: Homing function activated, authorization Delta-Foxtrot-Roger-7 acknowledged. Returning to base.

Panel - The woman flies into the air, screaming. 

Panel - The woman lands at the OERT aid station, shaken and terrified, screaming about her child. OERT members surround her, trying to help.

Maze: Diz, this is DragonFly’s pack! He and Moto are still out there!

Dizzy: Alert all available medical team members to the APC and tell recon to get me their location, now. Move out!

Panel -  DragonFly has climbed down into the SUV as it spins and fills with water. He is working frantically to unstrap the child from the car seat in the back.

Panel -  DragonFly looks over his shoulder, out the front window and can see the makeshift dam.

(thru headset) Moto:  Get out of there, DF!

DragonFly: Working on it, man, working on it!

Panel -  Moto looks on as the SUV careens towards the dam.

Moto: Brace for impact!

Panel -  The SUV crashes into the dam! Glass splinters and the impact jars DragonFly and the child! A tree limb spears DragonFly in the shoulder! He screams in agony, but manages to finally unlock the child seat.

Panel -  Moto looks on in terror. 

Moto: DF!

Panel - DragonFly emerges from the top of the SUV, the child in his arms! 

(thru headset) DragonFly: Moto! Little help, buddy!

Panel -  The car moves into the rapids and starts heading towards a waterfall!

Panel -  Moto jumps on his bike and spins a half circle before racing after the floating car.

Panel -  DragonFly holds the kid, protecting their head while looking to Moto for help!

DragonFly: It’s gonna be okay, kid, don’t worry.

Panel -  The waterfall is getting closer! Moto is racing as fast as the bike can go! He races along the riverbank and sees an outcropping over the edge of the waterfall.

Panel -  Moto racing along, chasing after the SUV.

Moto: DF! It’s gonna be a basket catch! Get ready!

Panel -  DragonFly looks nervous, but ready.

DragonFly: Call it, hermano. I trust you.

(thru headset) Moto: You’re gonna jump on three, DF! One!

Panel -  The SUV approaches the waterfall!

Panel -  Close up of Moto looking intense.

Moto: Two!

Panel -  As the SUV hits the edge of the waterfall, Moto jumps the bike over the raging river, performing a Superman Seat Grab and firing a wrist mounted cable and net onto DragonFly and the child as they leap into the air.

Moto: Three!

Panel -  Moto climbs back on the bike in mid air and attaches the wrist mount to the bike frame! The bike crashes over a tree and jerks DragonFly and the child into the air, like a sling! Moto is thrown off the bike, landing hard on the ground.

Panel -  DragonFly and the child swing in the net, from the tree. 

Panel - DragonFly  removes his boot knife and cuts the net, letting him and the kid fall down next to Moto.

Panel - The three lay on their backs looking up at the rain. They start to laugh.

Moto: Alright, that’s enough fun for today. C’mon DF, let’s get that shoulder looked at.

DragonFly: Yeah and we got to get you to your mom, kid.

Panel -  As they sit up, two more OERT Air members come down on jet packs.The mother exits an APC that has just arrived.

Panel -  The mother and child run to each other and cry and laugh in joy.

Panel -  Moto and DragonFly look up at Dizzy and Maze.

Maze: Same old same old, eh boys?

Panel -  Moto and DragonFly look at each other and smile, exhausted but alive.

Moto: Just another day at the office, Chief.

DragonFly: Yup. Same old, same old.

CAP -  In service to humanity, the Orbital Emergency Response Team is ready to help, any time, anywhere! 

Get ready to follow their adventures around the globe in Red Alert: Tales of the O.E.R.T!